HUG Devotion Themes and Bible text for May 2022
Our HUG Devotion theme for May 2022 is "Jesus Loves & Helps Me." May God give parents wisdom and patience as we continue to provide, walk alongside, and love our children, who we are entrusted from our Creator. Jesus is alive. He is always with us! That makes us glad.
RSVP by 5/26/2022 for HUG Grad/Move-Up Ceremony & Celebration
We are excited to announce HUG's Grad/Move-Up Ceremony & Celebration will be held on Thursday, 6/2/2022, from 9:15am to 1pm, at our church campus between Noriega & 31st Ave. This event is open to immediate families, closed family members, and grandparents. Space is limited. RSVP ASAP. (12 HUG families had signed up already!)
Here is the link to RSVP:
You can reserve a copy of our first HUG 21-22 Yearbook too!!!!!